theater play by Edit Kaldor prod. Roterdamse Schouwburg, KunstenFESTIVALDesarts, Théâtre de la Villette, Sophienseele, PS 122 (directing and photography of the projected scenery)
De 19-jarige Nada observeert mensen. Sinds jaren fotografeert ze heimelijk hun privéleven. Ze zoomt in op huiskamers en voorbijgangers. Gedreven door nieuwsgierigheid wordt ze getuige van een breed spectrum van menselijk gedrag. In Point Blank nodigt Edit Kaldor Nada uit om een keuze uit haar fotocollectie te presenteren. Tijdens de voorstelling zal ze zich samen met het publiek verdiepen in de beelden, op zoek naar onderliggende patronen en betekenissen. Door haar verzameling te overlopen en te ordenen vormt zich een staalkaart van mogelijke levensstrategieën. Dit overzicht moet haar helpen om tot een conclusie te komen: welk leven zou zinvol kunnen zijn?
Point Blank ging in première tijdens KunstenfestivaldesArts in Brussel in 2007 en was reeds te zien in theaters en festivals in Nederland, Duitsland, Italië, Frankrijk, Noorwegen, Hongarije, Portugal, Servië, de Verenigde Staten, Ierland, België, Polen en China.
“The purpose of life explored through the lens of a camera. A quest that interrogates our contemporary life: solitude, living together, trust in the other…. One hell of a performance!” (Le Soir, Belgium)
“What happens on stage is seemingly simple: someone projects images from a laptop, Nada, the young girl talks, we watch photographs. But in thought and philosophy it is a very rich evening, as well as in terms of the theatre-aesthetical questions that are addressed here. The performance deals with issues like time, humanness, and reality.
We watch the pictures, we listen to Nada’s comments, and in the meanwhile, inside each spectator’s head his own film is playing, the images of his own life are being projected. And he is contemplating the question: Indeed, how should one live? Is it good the way it is?” (Revizor, Hungary)
“On a nearly blank stage, in the semi-dark, and in the least confrontational way possible, Nada
Gambier self-effacingly and entirely wrecks one’s head. …*****” (Irish Theatre Magazine)
“Point Blank is an investigation into serendipity and wanting to control one’s potential. A simple, understated, yet highly charged theatrical presentation.” (New York Press, U.S.)
on stage: Nada Gambier and Edit Kaldor
photographs: Frank Theys
concept, text and direction: Edit Kaldor
made in collaboration with Nada Gambier, Frank Theys, Nicola Unger, Io Tillett Wright, Monika Rinck and Ugo Dehaes
software: Marc Boon technique: Maurice Camps
the photos were made with the participation of Bernice Aalders, Laura Barnett, Olivier Beghin, Shannon Bool, Régine Boussuge, Thierry Cadeddu, Carola and children, Thomas De Chambourg, Muriel Chauvet , Brian Cheng , Ross Crain, Nathalie Dao, Christine Debreyne, Sylvie Decroix, Heide Deigert , Katrin Dod, Tim Drucker, Cora Fisher, Esra J. Gaffin, Dani Gal, Emmanuelle Gorsse, Jonathan Green, Mark Greenfield, Mrs. Greinert, Christa Hagemann, Saskia Hegt, Andy Horwitz, Carlos Ibarra, Mahdia Idir, Sam Johnson, Judith Kästner, Nathalie Lagouge, Juliet Level, Mart van Lier, François Maurin, Sophie Morin, Nina, Isabelle Outin, Emile Palmantier, Jay Paulino, Frank Piquard, Sandrine Place, Stéphane Desch and children, Haiko Pfost, Martin Pot, François Rancien, Rob Reicher, Alida Reicher, Bella Reid, George Rippon, Olivier Roche, Ellen van Rossum, Beti Rozen, Larke Schuldberg, Petra Schulz and company, Deven E. Sisler, Melinda Stewart, Sabine Tarillon, Françoise Thinat, Zach Trudeau, Annette Valk, Mrs. Valk, Martijn van de Ven, Ves, Alex Waitz, Jessie Weiss, Dieter Wenk, Jérôme Weroniak, Niels Wiggers, Mike Wolter, Dorothy T. Yang
and with the kind assistance of Angelina, Clarina Bezzola, John Collins, Maartje van Doodewaard, Esperanto Café, Vallejo Gantner, Carlos Ibarra, Ombline de Kersabiec, The Lesbian Gay Bisexual & Transgender Community Center NYC, Wendy Nakashima, Jacky Nicolas, Linda Reid, Tanya Selvaratnam, Ronald van Tour
produced by Productiehuis Rotterdam (Rotterdamse Schouwburg); Filter, Antwerp; Kata, Amsterdam; executive producer: wp Zimmer, Antwerp
co-produced by KunstenfestivaldesArts, Brussels; Sophiensaele, Berlin; Parc de la Villette, Paris (Résidences d’Artistes 2007); P.S.122 New York; Votnik, Brussels
supported by the Netherlands Fund for Performing Arts, the Flemish government, VSB Fund, Dutch Theatre Institute