Frank Theys (°1963, Brussels) is a filmmaker and visual artist. His experimental films, theater work, video installations and documentaries have received several international awards and were acquired for the collections of a.o. SMAK (Ghent), the Museum for the Moving Image (New York) and the Centre National de la Cinématographie (Paris). 

Frank Theys has taught at the film and the visual arts departments of LUCA Ghent and Brussels, at DAS Theater, Amsterdam (Masters degree performing arts) and at the ArtScience Interfaculty of the Royal Academy in The Hague. He currently teaches at the Open Lab in PXL-MAD (Hasselt, Belgium), where he founded DigiMAD, a collaboration between the visual arts department, interactive design and Digital (S.T.E.M. research). He is a researcher at the University of Louvain and has been a visiting teacher and lecturer at more than 30 universities, film, art and theatre schools worldwide. He was co-founder of Argos, Centre for New Media in Brussels and co-founder of Dziga (Belgian union for media artists).